Hi! I’m Sarah~Louise (S~L).
I work with individuals just like you! I am committed to helping you develop a positive sense of self and strengthen your ability to live each day feeling satisfied and successful.
I am a therapist with concentrated experiences for each age range and have several counselling designations and have built my private clinical practice to serve multiple locations. I specialize in the areas of ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, Emotion Dysregulation, PTSD & Trauma. I work primarily with emerging adults (16-21), Adults working in industries or professions (21-65) and Older Adults including those in retirement (65+). While I currently do not work with those of younger years I do welcome those working with munchkins (5-12 years) and youth (12-18 years) to therapeutic strategy sessions where you are invited to pull from my toolbox of strategies. I want you to use my knowledge and skills to grow and develop your best self.
“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself!"
New to therapy or needing a new therapist, I will work with you to create client-centered sessions that empower you to achieve your goals.
To learn more about me, my background and my amazing team

Thinking about Therapy?
Book a 15 min free consultation to learn more
You will meet your therapist, have a chance to ask questions and book your first appointment.
This brief consult will allow you to get a real sense for what your sessions will look and feel like. Be sure to have your questions, calendar, and health insurance information ready. This time together will reduce your “therapy jitters” and empower you to begin your therapeutic journey.